Unless otherwise specified, the following notice applies to all contents of the Southern Maryland Baseball Camp Web site: P.O. Box 674 - Huntingtown, MD 20639. Southern Maryland Baseball Camp owns all content on this site. Any reproduction, copying, distribution, downloading, uploading, modifying, re-publishing or otherwise distributing of any information, art, graphics, font, code or script from this site without permission may be a violation of copyright and is prohibited. In addition, other products and/or company names found on this site may be trademarked by their respective owners.
Southern Maryland Baseball Camp believes in the privacy of member and nonmember users of its Web site and is committed to the responsible use of any information provided online. Southern Maryland Baseball Camp uses the information collected to improve the Southern Maryland Baseball Camp and the Web site by adding new products and services and responding to site users. Southern Maryland Baseball Camp does not use cookies to distribute information about users over the Internet or to analyze any information received through the site. Southern Maryland Baseball Camp retains the right to make member contact information available to responsible third parties for one time mailing use only. Business or personal telephone numbers or e-mail addresses are not made available to third parties. If you do not wish to have your addresses made available to third parties please notify us by e-mailing wargo@chesapeake.net or calling (301) 855-8558.
Southern Maryland Baseball Camp reviews its privacy policy from time to time and it is subject to change. Please review this page periodically to ensure your continuing familiarity with the most current version of the Southern Maryland Baseball Camp privacy policy.